Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This is what i expect about orientation

Melihat dari judul postingan saya kali ini , pasti anda semua sudah mengerti apa yang akan saya bahas kali ini.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

1 minggu --> I Heart This Place (baca:Manado) :D

Hmm..hari ini tepat satu minggu saya ada di tempat ini. Alhasil , saya masih hidup , pemirsa! *whahhaha!* -_____-" . Banyak yang saya temukan di kota ini setelah selama satu minggu juga saya melakukan observasi dan menjelajahi tempat ini *sok penjelejah padahal gak ngerti jalan juga -_____-"

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Ok..this is the time when i give you live reports from Manado. It's rainy now , and the weather is cool .

Friday, November 18, 2011

Just be you , not anyone else

There is nothing else that i can think about. At least , not yet and wait later. I just feel empty lately. I don't know exactly why i'm becoming so empty , but probably the reason is much because my moving to another town this sunday. If you want the honest answer ,

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

D'crackhers :) (i will miss them *part 3*) thing that i will miss is my d'crackhers. Speaking about them , i was thinking about how this team get started. It was the end of last semester , after the final national exam of junior high school. And we were having some kinda holiday in Tanjung Bayang for 1 day 1 night. We played UNO ,

Them , my strange new friends :) (i will miss them *part 4*)

First of all , i wanna say a thousand thanks to Allah for the only-one-best-ever-holiday :D

Hm..i was thinking..umm..about them , my strange new friends. They are my new classmates in college , we called ourselves as "S2C". Err./--a\.i don't know what the name from , but it's ok. I can deal with it :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Talking in the rainy day (i will miss them *part2*)

Today is one of the best days ever . Because i spent my whole afternoon with..hmm..let's call him "culun" (hhaha kinda weird name :D)
, but that's the way he is :p

Saturday, November 5, 2011

McDonalds (i will miss them *part 1*)

Yaah..disinilah saya sekarang , pada jam 15:27 wita . Just my beloved dad and me :) i am gonna miss this place :(
saya punya banyak hal yang bisa saya ingat-ingat kembali di tempat ini .
Merenung , berfikir , sekedar santai , sampe kerja tugas pun saya pernah lakukan disini (hha :D)
yaah..intinya saya akan sangat merindukan paket burger 15 rb nya dan suasananya yang mungkin menurut saya tidak akan sama dengan mcdonalds lainnya .
Ini memang tempat favorit saya dan akan menjadi salah satu yang akan saya rindukan di Makassar :(

Next phase will be coming soon .

Finally..i've got the result. Akhirnya jalan saya ada disana , di sekolah itu . Setelah beribu usaha dan beribu doa sudah dikerahkan , dan hasilnya sngat memuaskan . Saya lulus :) alhamdulillah .
Ternyata betul kata mr. Edison , "keberuntungan datang ketika usaha dan kesiapan bertemu". Thanks for him , it's inspiring me lately .
Rasanya sesuatu banget bisa tahu ttng ini (hhaha :D) . Tp , mksdnya yaa ..susah buat dijelaskan bagaimana dan apa yang saya fikirkan skrng .
Tidak tahu kenapa ada yang mengganjal di kepala dan hati saya setelah tahu tentang itu . Dan ternyata memang betul kata-kata bijak klu "siap mendapat sesuatu , siap pula melepaskan sesuatu" and i must be ready for it , sooner or later ..
Just wish nothing , but best for me :)
Amiin :D

Thursday, November 3, 2011


It's 5.30 a.m now and i haven't sleep well yet T-T
I am soooooo tired as HELL , as hell also with those people who's gonna check this papers stuff that i've been working with for all night long! Argh!
I just need my right for sleeep well every night without pressure to think about those kinda papers every single minute in my sleep -______-
For God sake , i need it back T-T
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Argh! i found another damn girl!

Argh! i found another damn girl. I don't like her. I don't like the way she talk , the way she laugh , the way she walk , the way she sit in front of you tonight , the way she looks at you , and the worst i don't like the way she gives you that little damn disgusting cake tonight!
She reminds me to another damn girl that i've met. Yeah..all the damn girls are same everywhere.
arghhhh! I don't like the way she does everything! :@

A wrong gift , i guess -__- i have a friend who has a birthday and he invited me to his some kinda small party for celebrate it. far as it's good.

Day 10: Your Bestfriend

Di bangku SD, sahabat saya ada dua orang. Mereka adalah teman sekelas dan teman satu mobil jemputan. Kami bahkan tidak tahu apa itu sahabat....