Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Surat Ketiga.

Assalamualaikum, nak.

How is it going there? Didalam sana?
Sudah mulai pintar nendang ya?
Now, i can feel you.
Walau hanya denyut kecil. I know it was you kicking my belly from inside.

Are you fine?
When do you sleep?
Karena gak tau sebenarnya kapan kamu bangun.
Kapan kamu tidur.
Tiba-tiba udah nendang lagi. 

I feel so blessed being around our family.
And your dad is the most favorite person for me.
I can't imagine that how i go through my pregnancy days without him.
Alhamdulillah, Allah sent your dad.

When you hate the food i ate, then i threw-up,
And believe me i seemed awful.
Your dad showed at the bathroom, and give me the back-rub.
That one of little things from your dad made me better.
And my mom (who is gonna be your grandmother) made me a cup of tea.
And so did your dad's mother (who is also gonna be your grandmother. You will have two grandparents, nak. Insya Allah)
And all of other things that our family do, helped me through my first trimester. 

Tidak ada alasan yang lebih baik selain karena mereka ingin turut menjagamu.
So, i don't feel so alone in this pregnancy days.

Soon, you are gonna meet all of them.
They love you so much.
As much as i do.
Tapi, mesti sabar, ya. Kita berdua mesti sehat juga, ya nak.
Biar 5 bulan lagi, kita semua ketemu sama kamu.

Calon Mama-nya Kakak

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