Monday, June 30, 2014
Note For Someone
And i still can't figure it out why this could happened.
It is fine.
Glad to know what we are right now.
In the very first beginning, i know this won't be easy as i thought.
I am too afraid for letting myself go for a new beginning
And there're too many things that you didn't know, could be problems someday.
But, now i am ready fighting for it, as long as i can.
As long as we both want it.
(Just typing some words. Sorry, I just can't help myself to not write something tonight)
Indomie Selera Kita
Renungan Hari ke-3: Izrail Bilang, Ini Ramadhan Terakhirku.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Renungan Hari ke-2: Selamat Datang, Ramadhan.
Renungan Hari ke-1: Sudah Siapkah Kamu?

Satu Tulisan, Untuk Satu Hari, Untuk Bulan Ramadhan.
Note For Someone.
Please, do not act, say or behave, something like there's problem between both of us when actually there's not. It is hurt for me who completely didn't understand anything what you are thinking.
Please, if you have something to say, say it out loud in front of me. I am not the one, who can understand what it is in your mind, like God always do. I am sorry if i wasn't that perfect as you wish. Or perfect as anyone else. But as your information, i am just human. Completely imperfect. You are free to choose leaving or staying, if you no longer can't accept my imperfection.
Sorry for being rude and saying this.

Saturday, June 28, 2014
I’m telling you
I softly whisper
Tonight tonight
You are my angel
— Aku katakan padamu —
— Aku berbisik pelan —
— Malam ini… malam ini —
— Kau malaikatku —
Aishiteru yo
Futari wa hitotsu ni
Tonight… tonight…
I just say…
— Aku mencintaimu —
— Berdua menjadi satu —
— Malam ini… Malam ini —
— Aku hanya bilang… —
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Kenapa Ya?
Ada 10 pertanyaan yang lagi gue fikirin selama gue..hmm..kurang lebih sudah sejam bengong di mall menunggu bapak sama ibuk. Sebelumnya maaf yaa kalau ada yang tersinggung. Ini benar-benar murni hasil observasi langsung disini. So, here they are..
1. Kenapa kalau cewek lagi ngobrol, pasti ribut banget? | eh gak juga..cowok juga ding.
2. Kenapa kalau cowok lagi ngobrol, suka bilang "bro.." di tiap akhir kalimatnya? "Begini lho, bro..", "mau kemana, bro?", "eh cewek yang itu cantik, bro.." | pusing gak sih dengerin nya?
3. Kenapa donat itu enak banget? Mereka pake resep apa ya sampai orang rela antri kayak ada sembako?
4. Kenapa anak remaja jaman sekarang, masih senang lempar poni? Kalau poni nya ganggu, mas/mbak, jepit aja bisa kaliik. Atau rambutnya disir rapi. Atau sekalian gak usah pake poni juga bisa.
5. Kenapa ya orang yang pacaran lagi jalan berduaan, jalannya pelan trus jalan ditengah lagi? Jalannya dipinggir kek. Rasanya serba salah aja kalau lagi jalan dibelakang mereka ("._.)
6. Kenapa ya cowok suka pake baju kaos berkerah V? Ntar masuk angin lho, mas..
7. Kenapa ya cewek suka pake hotpants ke mall? Ntar masuk.angin lho, mbak..
8. Kenapa ya gue masih (baru saja) lihat ibu-ibu sekitar umur 50an, pake baju yang gak ada lengannya? Ntar masuk angin lho, salah..mbah..*salim*
9. Kenapa ya kita sekarang lebih sering ngobrol dengan gadget daripada dengan manusia? Apa kita sudah sebodoh ini dibajak sama teknologi? *ngaca* *sigh*
10. Kenapa ya belakangan ini gue suka nulis tulisan yang gak jelas gini? Bingung juga sih.
P.s: kalau ada yang mau jawab pertanyaan diatas atau protes mungkin, atau yang mau mengklarifikasi, komen aja tuh dibawah. Tapi, kalau gak bisa, yaudahlah yaa. Mungkin kamu terlalu normal. Maaf lho. Eh atau gue yang..ahsudahlah.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
I don't even know myself at all
I thought I would be happy by now
The more I try to push it
I realize – gotta let go of control
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
So let it happen
It's just a spark
But it's enough to keep me going
And when it's dark out, no one's around
It keeps glowing
Every night I try my best to dream
Tomorrow makes it better
Then I wake up to the cold reality
And not a thing is changed
But it will happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
It's just a spark
But it's enough to keep me going
And when it's dark out, no one's around
It keeps glowing
It's just a spark
But it's enough to keep me going
And when it's dark out, no one's around
It keeps glowing
And the salt in my wounds isn't burning anymore than it used to
It's not that I don't feel the pain, it's just I'm not afraid of hurting anymore
And the blood in these veins isn't pumping any less than it ever has
And that's the hope I have, the only thing I know that's keeping me alive
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
Gotta let it happen
It's just a spark
But it's enough to keep me going
(So if I let go of control now, I can be strong)
And when it's dark out, no one's around
It keeps glowing
It's just a spark
But it's enough to keep me going
(So if I keep my eyes closed, with the blind hope)
And when it's dark out, no one's around
It keeps glowing
(Last Hope - Paramore)
Day 10: Your Bestfriend
Di bangku SD, sahabat saya ada dua orang. Mereka adalah teman sekelas dan teman satu mobil jemputan. Kami bahkan tidak tahu apa itu sahabat....
I don't even know myself at all I thought I would be happy by now The more I try to push it I realize – gotta let go of control ...
Ada 10 pertanyaan yang lagi gue fikirin selama gue..hmm..kurang lebih sudah sejam bengong di mall menunggu bapak sama ibuk. Sebelumnya maaf ...
It's hard letting go I'm finally at peace but it feels wrong Slow I'm getting up My hands and feet are weaker than before ...